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Conditions in Belantik Camp, Malaysia English Version
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Sara Khin Maung Saw (Berlin)
U Khin Maung Saw, born in 1946 in Yamethin, Central Burma and grown up in Rangoon, is the third child among four of U Saw Maung and Daw Khin Khin. His parents were Arakanese (Rakhaings), Buddhists and government officers.
He went to St. John's Diocesan Boys' School in Rangoon, passed the Matriculation Examination in March 1961. He studied in the University of Rangoon in June 1961 and obtained the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1965. After receiving the first degree, he worked as a part-time tutor at Chemistry Department, Workers College of the University of Rangoon and later as a Research Assistant, the Industrial Development Corporation, Rangoon. He obtained the Diploma in German Language (Ordinary Level) in 1966 and Diploma (Advanced Level) in 1967 from the institute of Foreign Languages, Rangoon. He was selected as a Government State Scholar to the then German Democratic Republic in October, 1968, finished Master of Science (Chem, Engg) in October 1972. After that he went back to Burma and was appointed as the Head of Department , Quality Control, first in the People's Porcelain Factory in Tharrawaddy and later in the People's Glass factory in Thanlyin. In the mean time, he worked as part time lecturer at the Rangoon Institute of Technology. Later, he resigned from the government post and worked as a senior teacher at the International High School in Rangoon. In 1981 he was offered a job from the then G.D.R to work as a lecturer in the Burmese Department, Southeast Asian Institute, Humboldt University, Berlin. He worked there until 1994. After that, he worked as a Scholar in Residence, Southeast Asian Studies, Ohio University, Ohio, U.S.A, from 1994 to 1996. There he wrote a paper "A Comparative Study between the Burmese and Indonesian Armies, from the National Liberation Army to the Ruling Class".
He had written many articles on Burma Studies, about Language, Literature, Culture, History and Politics.
Later, he was sent by the German Development Service to Asian and African countries. Now he is a pensioner.
1992, he officially changed his citizenship from Burmese to German according to the German Law on Immigrants.
He is married to a Filipina, Erlinda Saw nee Abad since 1984.